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Fall Regional Workshop, Orchestra Festival, and Halloween Photos

Portion of 100 plus participants in workshop concert.

Advanced violins perform Wings of Song, video link below

Students, teachers, and parents performed at the workshop concert.

Performances by Suzuki Strings Regional Workshop, Nov. 14, 2015.  Thanks to Minerva Gonzalez for the videos.  Guest clinicians:  Susan Reed and Xun Sun

Orchestra directed by Xun Sun 
Perpetuoso by Brian Holmes
March from “Love for Three Oranges” by Serge Prokovieff

Viola Group

Cello Group

Violin Group directed by Susan Reed
Two Grenadiers by Schumann

Violin, Viola, and Cello Groups Combined

America the Beautiful by Ward, arr. Starr
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

Photos thanks to parents and teachers

Susan Reed enjoyed seeing the Kolob portion of Zion National Park.

Susan Reed presented stories and songs.

Thanks to Luke Heaton and Whittlesticks for the use of a beautiful guitar.
Thanks to Marty Warburton for sharing a five string banjo.

Photo by Tasha Seegmiller from 2012 and now 2015 of the same students.

Students had two days of workshop classes plus a performance.

Ling Yu directs the orchestra for group classes and teaches both violin and viola.

Dr. Xun Sun was the guest conductor for the regional workshop.

Nathan Craven has helped teach group classes this fall.

Viola students learned music by Telemann
Kindal Erickson Ridd helps teach group classes and provided graphic design for poster and program.

Warming up the violists with a few jumping jacks.

Orchestra Festival in St. George on Nov. 7, 2015


Halloween Group Class and Twinkle Parade, Oct. 2015


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