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Fall Regional Workshop, Nov. 7 and 8, 2014

Suzuki Strings Cedar City

Guest Clinicians:  Jack Ashton, Amanda Clarke, and  Jim Hardy

Jack Ashton in Cedar City with Suzuki Strings
Amanda Clarke
Jim Hardy, cellist

Jack Ashton

Classes at the Heritage Center, 105 N. 100 East, Cedar City
Friday, Nov. 7:  3 to 6 p.m.        
Parent and teacher meeting 7:15 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 8:  9 a.m. to 12:30   Dress rehearsal 1:30   

Concert 5 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 8
$5 suggested donation
Public welcome 

(note update on times for dress rehearsal and concert)

Workshop and Concert Repertoire:

Orchestra:  Pizzicato Polka by J. Strauss 
Mozart Minuet (solo part in Book 7) string quartet, K. 421
Telemann Viola Concerto in G major, 4th mvt.
Vivaldi Violin Concerto in A minor, 3rd mvt. 
Sound of Music Medley

Everyone: French Folk Song

Book 1: Twinkles:  Variation A in A major, Variation D (16th notes) in D Major and Theme in A Major
O Come Little Children with harmony
Go Tell Aunt Rhody, Uncle Bob, and Pharaoh, key of D
Allegretto with harmony
Gossec Gavotte, violin only

Book 2: 
Chorus from Judas Maccabeus with harmony

Book 3:
Gavotte in G minor, violins and violas only

Book 4:  Vivaldi 3rd mvt.   violins

Advanced Violin:  Bolero by Granados arr. McLean (Care to Tango? Book 2, Published by Alfred)

Viola:  Telemann  4th mvt. and 
 Fantasia -“Cinderella” from Barbara Barber, Solos for Young Violists, Vol. 2

Cello: March in G (Suzuki Book 2)
Concerto in C Major, first movement by Vivaldi in Solos for Young Cellists, Vol. 1, by Carey Cheney

Fiddle from Fiddle Farm arr. Hall
Old Joe Clark   (beginning version in Book 1 and advanced in Book 2)
Cripple Creek   (beginning version full page and repeat)  (advanced, p. 26 of  Book 1)

Classes at the Heritage Center, 105 N. 100 East, Cedar City
Friday, Nov. 7:  3 to 6 p.m.        Parent and teacher meeting 7:15 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 8:  9 a.m. to 12:30   Dress rehearsal 1:30   Concert 5 p.m.

please send it in by Oct 15, 2014 to avoid the late fee of $5.00
Fees: Twinkle Students through Allegretto  $20.00
Individual Student (Etude and above) $40.00 
SAU members:  $30.00 (taking $10.00 off the Individual Fee)
SAU (Suzuki Association of Utah) MEMBER  Yes _____ No _____
Circle instrument(s)
City_________________________ State ________Zip________
Phone_______________     Email:______________________________
Teacher_________________Teacher's Email or Phone ________________
Most Advanced Concert Piece___________________
***Make your check payable to Suzuki Strings
and fill out a separate form for each child.***
Teachers – please send in the forms as soon as you can
Send to: 
Sara Penny, 1366 North Fairway Drive, Cedar City, UT  84721
Questions:  or 435-586-2286
starting Wed., Sept. 3, SUU Music Building
5 p.m. Rooms 206, 207 and 104

The group class fee for Suzuki Strings is due at the beginning of each semester.

MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Suzuki Strings:   $70 for one student   
$80 for two students    $90 3 or more students

     Suzuki Association of Utah (SAU) members have a $10 discount off the group fee.
If you would like to join SAU please contact Sara or Marin before Sept. 25.  It’s $30 per family and gives discounts to state activities plus a parent newsletter.
     Please give this slip with your group fee to your teacher, Sara Penny, or Marin Colby by the end of the 1st month of the beginning semester you have registered for -  THANKS! 

We want to make sure each child is recognized with correct spellings for programs.




Parent Name__________________________________Home Phone______________Cell #_________
CURRENT EMAIL: _________________________
Send to: 
Sara Penny, 1366 North Fairway Drive, Cedar City, UT  84721
Questions:  or 435-586-2286 or 435-231-2182


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