Join the Cedar City Suzuki Strings, Rocky Mountain Strings and CCSS alumni as they celebrate 30 years of musical education and performance in Cedar City during their annual spring concert. The concert is Thursday, May 2 at 7:00 pm in the Heritage Center. The public is invited and the suggested donation is $5. The concert includes a variety of music ranging from classical to folk. Pieces include “Concerto #5, 1st movement” by F. Seitz; “Concerto for Two Violins, 1st movement” by Bach, “Fiocco Allegro”, “Hunter’s Chorus”, “Short Bow Jig” and “Boil Them Cabbage Down.” RMS of Northern Utah join the 30th year celebration. They perform “Appalachian Spring” by Copland, arranged by McLean; “Waltz and Tanz” by Kabalevsky; “Perptuo Mobile” by Karl Bohm, and “Capr...